Volume 69, #2
“Economic Sciences: theory and practice” is scientific, refereed, biannual journal. The Journal of “Economic Sciences: theory and practice” has been founded by Azerbaijan State University of Economics in 1994.
The Journal has been received to registration in the centre of international ISSN (International Standard Series Number, ISSN-2220-8739). Also, it has been included by the Supreme attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic to the list of scientific publications on economic sciences.
Nazim U. Hajiyev Associate professor, Ph.D. a head of division in Research Institute for Economic Studies, Azerbaijan State Economic University E-mail: nazimxx@yahoo.com
Abuse of a dominant position, or monopolization, is one of the most challenging areas of compe¬tition law in both developed and emerging mar-kets. Situations involving abuse of dominance may range from predatory behavior by firms in isolated local markets for low-technology prod¬ucts (for example, industrial waste collection) to high-tech industries in which access to a net¬work is restricted for anticompetitive purposes. The research work applies methods such as a scientific abstraction, system analysis and logic synthesis. The result of the study emphasizes that in transitional and developing economies assessing the existence of a dominant position, defining markets in abuse cases, evaluating the existence of a dominant position, the assessment of market shares, excessive prices, price discrimination, tie-ins, refusal to deal, predatory pricing. raising rivals’ costs, vertical restraints, abuse and intellectual property, assessing abuse resulting from government intervention, determining appropriate remedies are of outstanding significance. The practical significance of the study is its potential to enrich the academic and practical knowledge of specialists working in this field. Moreover, experts conducting research into the creation and development of sound and effective environmental policies will be supported by the effective implementation of competition policy. The originality and scientific novelty lies in the fact that the research work analyzes and systematizes experience of developed and developing countries; moreover it gives recommendations to look into these countries regarding their practices for the abuse of a dominant position.
Key words: abuse of a dominant position, dominance or monopolization, competition law, market power.
JEL Classification Codes: D41
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