Volume 77, #2
“Economic Sciences: theory and practice” is scientific, refereed, biannual journal. The Journal of “Economic Sciences: theory and practice” has been founded by Azerbaijan State University of Economics in 1994.
The Journal has been received to registration in the centre of international ISSN (International Standard Series Number, ISSN-2220-8739). Also, it has been included by the Supreme attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic to the list of scientific publications on economic sciences.
About article
Turan Suleymanov
Key Words: Azerbaijan; Higher Education System; Higher Education Reforms; Higher Education Trends; Higher Education Policies.
Turan Suleymanov
The higher education system in Azerbaijan has gone through tremendous changes during the last three decades. Since regaining its independence from the USSR, Azerbaijan has had to abolish the Soviet approach to higher education and establish a new institutional system and legal framework in order to address the needs and demands of the country for human capital during the transition period from a planned economy to a free market economy. The transition process has taken more than two decades. Despite such a long period, there have been limited studies conducted on the higher education reforms and the transformation of the higher education system in Azerbaijan. This article aims to examine reforms within the Azerbaijani higher education system. The article is divided into two sections. The first reviews reforms and government policies within the higher education system of Azerbaijan. The second section discusses the current trends in the higher education market and system of Azerbaijan.
Key Words: Azerbaijan; Higher Education System; Higher Education Reforms; Higher Education Trends; Higher Education Policies.
Jel classification: I22, I23, I25
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