Volume 79, #1
“Economic Sciences: theory and practice” is scientific, refereed, biannual journal. The Journal of “Economic Sciences: theory and practice” has been founded by Azerbaijan State University of Economics in 1994.
The Journal has been received to registration in the centre of international ISSN (International Standard Series Number, ISSN-2220-8739). Also, it has been included by the Supreme attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic to the list of scientific publications on economic sciences.
About article
Hadeel M. Al Shukri, Abdelaziz Dammak, Hashim Al-Ali
Hadeel M. Al Shukri, Abdelaziz Dammak, Hashim Al-Ali
The principal objective of this paper is to examine and analyze the Explosive Ordnance (EO) conditions in Iraq as a whole, and by Governorate (GO). An attempt has been made to quantitatively measure the economic and social impact of implanted explosive ordnance in Iraq, on multi-dimensions, i.e., sectoral, national, and sub-national. This has been carried out, as a first attempt, and is being assessed and measured for eighteen sectors (socio-economic variables), and eighteen sub-national (governorates) excluding Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq. The overall economic and social impact measured by this study varied by sector and by geographical and administrative location. Out of the eighteen sectors, the most affected sectors by the implanted mine explosive ordnance were: agriculture, water, infrastructure, roads, non-agriculture activities (mainly manufacturing industry projects), and oil fields. While the most impacted governorates (geographical location within the nation) out of the eighteen analyzed governorates were: Basra, Babylon, Anbar, Diyala, Ninawa, Wasit, and Missan. because these governorates have the highest contamination, besides their location closer to population communities.
Key Word: Explosives Ordnance, National, Sub-National, Sectoral, Economic Impact
Jel classification: N50, E01,L60
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