Page 8 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 8

P.M.Ignatiev, P.V.Bovsunivskyi: Turkey and Iran: political rivalry and economic cooperation
                                                                             through the ages

                    cooperation in military operations against the representatives of this restive minority,

                    but also for the economic competition in times of peace.

                         Economically Turkey is in much better shape than Iran. This can be explained

                    by the successful performance of a stable single party government in the last decade,

                    which carried out many mega projects, exported construction services  abroad and

                    facilitated  the  development  of  international  tourism.  For  many  years  the  country

                    demonstrated 6 per cent growth of GDP and was the second best performer in Asia

                    only after China. During 2008-2014 Turkish authorities created at least 6 millions of

                    jobs.  The  falling  energy  prices  in  position  to  provide  another  boost  to  powerful

                    Turkish economy by saving 25 billion dollars on the import of «black gold» [6]. On

                    the contrary, Iran continues to suffer due to same factor, since sales of oil, gas and

                    petrochemicals provide 70 per cent of export revenues. Unfortunately, this country

                    supplies abroad only 1.3 million barrels daily because of international sanctions [7].

                    Therefore  Islamic  Republic  is  interested  in  the development  of  trade  ties  with  its

                    closest neighbours – Iraq and Turkey, which possess economies of size and not shy

                    away from a contraband.

                         Geopolitically  both  states  are  not  only  complimentary  but  also  competitive.

                    Turkey provides the  «window» for Asian countries to Europe, controls Black Sea

                    Straits  and  simultaneously  borders  Iran  and  the  Midlle  East.  Iran,  with  its  long

                    border line in the Caucasus and Central Asia, can be considered a direct competitor

                    of Turkish companies in the Post-Soviet space. On the other hand, both countries

                    exhibit strong interdependence. Iran has one of the biggest oil deposits in the world

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