Page 32 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 32

Yadulla Hasanli, Gunay Rahimli: Assessment of The Multiplicative Effects of The Mining and
                                                                                  Manufacturing Sectors nn Azerbaijan

                    By forming the optimal level of the area structure of each country's industry, it is
                    possible to speed up the solution of economic and social problems, such as ensuring
                    the efficient operation of the economy, increasing the economic efficiency of public
                    production, and improving the welfare of the population.
                    Improving the structure of Azerbaijan's industry, diversifying the country's economy
                    and exports, and developing the non-oil industry have been among the main priorities
                    of the government's economic policy since 2010, and a number of policy documents
                    (state programs and strategies) aimed at solving this task have been adopted and are
                    being implemented. In this regard, the assessment of the effects of the development
                    of these sectors on the country, the assessment of the effects of the development of
                    industrial sectors on other sectors, as well as the identification of problems in these
                    areas are relevant for the country's economy. In this article, the multiplier effects of
                    the increase in the demand for the production of the mining and manufacturing sectors,
                    which have the main share in the industry, were estimated using multiplier models
                    based on the input-output table and SAM.

                    LITERATURE REVIEW

                    Technical  and technological  advancements are the most  significant  and inevitable
                    factors in the development of civilization. Over the ages, advancements in technology
                    determined changes in the political, social, and cultural spheres that either supported
                    or  inhibited  it.  When  these  elements  came  together,  innovations  were  made  that
                    revolutionized  the  way  materials  are  produced  (Benazzouz,  2018).  From  the
                    standpoint of technological development and technology, modern history separates
                    these  simultaneously  advancing  phases  into  four  groups,  which  are  referred  to  as
                    technological revolutions. They allowed to the enormous acceleration of scientific
                    advancement  and  the  application  of  its  discoveries  in  industrial  production
                    (Rymarczyk, J., 2020: 186).

                    The phrase "Fourth Industrial Revolution" was first made public by Schwab (2016)
                    following the German government's 2011 introduction of the "Industry 4.0" program
                    to  encourage  digitization  of  production.  Since  then,  Industry  4.0  and  the  Fourth
                    Industrial Revolution have emerged as the primary keywords for structural change
                    globally. After Industry 4.0 was introduced, countries have realized that innovation,
                    technical advancement, and human capital are what are really causing the economy
                    and  society  to  change.  Nevertheless,  different  nations  have  not  all  been  equally
                    prepared  for  the  industrial  revolution  (Chung,  2021).  The  majority  of  nations  are
                    currently  taking  economic  steps  to  guarantee  the  shift  to  the  fourth  industrial
                    revolution, and Azerbaijan is undergoing this process, too.

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