Page 6 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 6


               impossibility first of all limits predictability level of investigated

               economic processes. Nowadays not  depending on his economic school
               origin the prognosis made by any economist can be easily compared with

               predictions of policemen on possibility of accidents in foreseeable future.
               For events and conditions  when causality cannot be directly identifies

               transfer to functionality analysis became widely accepted. From economic

               existence point of view the problem of dichotomy of nature – existence
               still exists… That’s why in current  article we will try to investigate

               economic projection of causality and their specific characteristics.

                     Is causality a past coming approach?
                     The interesting point is that the effort of the causality to be
               separated from the scientific approach was noticed even during Hume’s

               period (for this reason it was call “the capricious child” of
               epidemiology). I would like to mention two controversial, but at the

               same time sufficient for current article points of view. B. Russell wrote:
               “… causality law is outdated … it’s today existence is explained by the

               fact that sometimes it is wrongly accepted as harmless… the function

               concept totally distorts the causality concept” [Russell. 1998: 265].
                     On other hand E. Nagel [Nagel.  2011] and P. Suppers [Suppes.

               1972] consider that causality concept is applied not only by economists,

               social   psychologists    and   historians,  moreover     interpretation
               mathematical formalism cannot exists and operate without the causality

               analysis. As we can conclude from the above mentioned economic tastes
               are differ in respect of cause analysis.

                     Nowadays some groups totally ignore the causality relations in
               economic events, thus avoiding some  problematic situations where it

               should be actually applied. On other hand they understand that it’s

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