Page 7 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 7


               impossible to guarantee the long-term duration of development solely

               relying functional or structural relations and it has been never realized in
               any historical period in the past.

                     The causality concept: historical review of philosophy-
               scientific thought

                     The causality concept was initially adopted by Greece philosophers
               and effective from that period integrated into the philosophy-scientific

               thought, becoming its inherent part.   According to the some sources

               almost 64 and 48 causality concepts were had identified by Platoon and
               Aristotle respectively… Platoon determined causality concept from

               mechanism and relevance points of view. Aristotle distinguished four

               basic causality sources (Metaphysics) [Aristotel. 2007]:
                        •  Material causality: the source of the fact!

                        •  Creating causality: whose activity brought about realization

                  of economic event!
                        •  Formal causality: why this particular item is presented in

                  way it is?

                        •  Final causality: why, for what reason and for what purposes
                  particular item does exist?

                     In general, till XVII century searches for causality were made
               basically based on discoveries made by Aristotle. Effective from XVII

               searches for causality changed their direction. Thus the question of
               Aristotle “why event does take place?” was replaced by question “how

               the event take place?” addressed by Galileo (1564-1642). In other words,

               the core of investigations was transferred from quality features to
               quantitative one. Search for causality was replaced by identification of

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