Page 10 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 10

A.I.Bayramov:Economic time from methodological point of view: anatomy of conceptual  vision

               the “frame” created by the global economic forces;

                        From the economic process context the specifics of the economic time can be shown in
               the following way:

                     1) The  economic  time  in  any  form  has  non-linear  specifics.  Non-linear  form  can  be

               explained from 2 views:
                      Incongruence with the real time. We don’t talk only the part of real time which became

               “economic”. Such translation does not exist and impossible. Simply this part of the real time,
               unlike the physical time, has features of animate and conscious creature. Considering that the

               economic time can attain the synchronization implies about its consciousness. It widely known
               that the physical time cannot be synchronized.

                     Above mentioned facts can explain the non-linear form of the economic time.

                      The non-linear features are also reflected in sub-levels of the meta-process. As we have
               mentioned above the each level of the meta-process that its own inherent economic time. From this

               point of view the non-linear features can be explained by the internal processes on each sub-level.
                     2) The inertness of the economic time as well as its speed has its own criteria and reflected in

               them in different ways. It is widely known that the countries located in the south of Sahara desert are
               within the pre-industrial period.  If we would like to compare these countries with the developed ones

               we can say that the economic time there falls behind for approximately 500 years and moreover the

               economic time here is “stagnating”. However, if we compare it with their past such tough conclusion
               cannot be derived… In other words, during the recent 500 years something has changed… From this

               point of view the economic time is “moving”.

                     The  same  situation  can  be  observed  on  economic  micro-process  (as  well  as  mezzo-  and
               micro-processes).  For example, if the economic growth in the country is in range of 25-30%, it

               means  that  the  economic  time  here  is  accelerated.  However,  if  we  take  the  formation  of
               information economy as a starting point the speed of the economic time will decrease significantly.

                      Economic as well as a physical time are not the substances which exists independently. Its
               existing forms are reflected only on real economic processes. The measurement unit of economic

               time  within  the  “inter-process”  does  not  exist,  in  other  words  its  materialization  is  principally

               impossible. The “inter-process time” acts as part of the quality of the process. In other words, the
               economic time is not in form of chronology, intervals and etc., it is reflected in quality of defined

               resources and factors. The methodological problems are created specifically by the point.

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