Page 6 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 6

A.I.Bayramov: Economic time from methodological point of view: anatomy of conceptual  vision

               such complex condition that there is linear correlation between the probability of fast economic

               growth and probability of crisis occurrence.
                     The problem is much more complicated by the impossibility to predict the direction of the

               flow of the economic processes. Thus identification the full cycle of the economic process and
               the same time reveal of the reasons behind its waved “chain” form created the large hampers

               during the research process. In some cases we are even not able to adequately assess the change
               processes themselves and their directions…

                     All  previous  works  dedicated  to  this  topic  accumulated  the  information  about  the  time

               flow. At the same time these works  show the effect  of the problem on our lives,  but  not  the
               problem itself: does the time really flow? If yes, than under what kind of rules this flow occurs?

                     And… if the time in endless, that whether the overproduction of the time is existing? If

               yes, what is its meaning? If no, what is the source for the existence of endlessness?
                     Are there any correlations between dynamics of the time, its change process and change

               frequency? Or what is a variable there? All these questions remain to be a “headache” of the
               economic science.

                     The phenomenon of economic time
                     The existence of multiple aspects of economic phenomenon and complex relations between

               the causality, functionality and structural relations creates the number of problems with much

               more complex resolutions.
               Economic time is:

                       Socio-natural, socio-economical and socio-cultural phenomenon;

                       The phenomenon created by the inter-systematic relations;
                       The most scarce and expensive resource. Demand is unlimited and supply is limited;

                       Not able to accumulate as traditional resources. It is impossible to reserve some interval

               of economic time.
                       Eligible  for  “regulation”  and  “management”.  However  it  is  not  in  ownership  of  one

               particular entity.
                     Karl Theodor Jaspers in his book named “The Origin  and Goal of History” [Jaspers K.

               1994] says  that  the  hegemony  of  “present  time”  makes  the  life  style  and  mental  activity  as
               “technical ability”… In reality, only unity of present and past time and at the same time unity of
               memories and ideas accounts for the real meaning of the presence…

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