Page 8 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 8

Adalat  J. Muradov,  Nazim  Ö. Hajiyev: Analytical frameworks and procedures for  application of

               stores across 200 km; and limited market of a food store in the southern part of a small town

               incorporates stores in the northern part of the town.

                    The first step of analysis in this paragraph is to define limited markets where influence of

               structure of an enterprise on competition is considerable. The limited market is characterized by

               two significant dimensions – goods and their geography. Of course, the initial dimension is a

               choice of goods (and services) sold by the enterprise, as well as places of their production. A

               limited  market for each product is complemented  by identical  products and  their substitutes

               considered by the  buyer and  which  are closer  to the  relevant  product. Each  product market

               matches with a relevant geographic market by adding settlements in other areas of a region to the

               location of the manufacturing enterprise. Products in these settlements may be alternative for

               customers in relation to the products of the enterprise.

                    In limited product market, any independent firm selling products from a point located in a

               relevant geographic area offers alternatives or substitutes of products to buyers of the enterprise.

               By doing so, the firm acts as a rival of the enterprise, or on the contrary, companies themselves

               and goods of which are located outside the limited market of the enterprise do not offer accepted

               alternatives to the buyers of the enterprise and so, such an enterprise does not function as an

               active competition source for the enterprise.

                    Now,  we can  start choice of goods,  to  discover limited markets with  a particular  area,

               determine  a  place  for  offering goods produced  by the  enterprise. Then we  can proceed with

               determination of relatively less organized but significant limited markets. One category of these

               markets  covers  by-products (goods)  currently  not being sold to  customers,  consumed  by the

               enterprise  itself, but meeting  requirements when offered in  the market. For instance, the

               enterprise  may possess and control  over  a park  of  trucks/lorries for  transporting  only

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