Page 39 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 39

THE                      JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES: THEORY AND PRACTICE, V.80, # 2, 2023, pp. 28-46

                    The results show that the effect created by the creation of 1 million demand for the
                    production of the mining sector is 2.05 million manats. This is much larger than the
                    figure obtained from the input-output model. As it can be seen, a little more than half
                    of the additional demand resulting from this effect - 1,097 million manats, is for the
                    goods and services of the mining sector itself, and the rest is for the output of other
                    sectors of the country's economy.

                    Table 4. Multiplier effect of 1 million manat inverstment in Production of food,
                                                   drinks and tobacco
                                                                                 Change in total
                                                              Change of output   demand based on
                                                              based on IO        SAM, thousand
                     Sectors                                  model, manat           manat
                     Agriculture, forestry and fishing              176,38           165,94
                     Mining industry                                62,35             38,74
                     Production of food, drinks and tobacco        1211,05           1170,87
                     Production of non-metallic products and base
                     metals                                         139,76           123,76
                     Production of machinery, equipment, furniture   60,55            51,79
                     electricity, gas, steam                        78,48             60,56
                     Water supply                                    6,34             4,91
                     Waste management                                2,52             2,10
                     Construction                                   28,85             56,39
                     Trade and repair of transport uses             261,05           224,83
                     Transport and warehousing                      74,85             85,60
                     Accommodation and catering for tourists         4,59             18,31
                     Information and communication                  13,96             17,32
                     Financial intermediation, insurance and pension
                     services                                       67,39             48,37
                     Real estate services                           34,59             33,77
                     Research and development                        3,75             1,83
                     Professional and technical activities          44,27             31,58
                     Administrative and ancillary services          11,28             9,30
                     public administration and defense               0,53             0,43
                     Education                                       0,10             7,14
                     Healtcare                                       0,24             3,08
                     social services                                 0,30             6,44
                     Services of library, archive, museum and other
                     cultural institutions                           0,00             0,40
                     Rest, entertaiment, art services                0,39             4,46
                     Other services                                  2,28             10,65
                     Total                                         2285,85           2178,56

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