Page 42 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 42

Yadulla Hasanli, Gunay Rahimli: Assessment of The Multiplicative Effects of The Mining and
                                                                                  Manufacturing Sectors nn Azerbaijan

                    Table 5. Multiplier effect of 1 million manat inverstment in Production of non-
                    metallic products and base metals
                                                         Change of output      Change in total demand
                                                         based on IO model,    based on SAM, thousand
                     Sectors                             manat                         manat
                     Agriculture, forestry and fishing           5,04                  42,76
                     Mining industry                            248,17                 93,55
                     Production of food, drinks and tobacco      0,53                  29,36
                     Production of non-metallic products and
                     base metals                                1259,94               1125,75
                     Production of machinery, equipment,
                     furniture                                   28,78                 24,07
                     electricity, gas, steam                     40,56                 24,53
                     Water supply                                0,90                   1,10
                     Waste management                            0,43                   0,62
                     Construction                                38,18                 41,60
                     Trade and repair of transport uses          98,46                 83,20
                     Transport and warehousing                   70,13                 53,77
                     Accommodation and catering for tourists     1,97                  11,34
                     Information and communication               7,75                   9,55
                     Financial intermediation, insurance and
                     pension services                            28,73                 16,90
                     Real estate services                        20,37                 16,63
                     Research and development                    2,24                   0,95
                     Professional and technical activities       19,01                 12,58
                     Administrative and ancillary services       12,27                  6,45
                     public administration and defense           0,42                   0,25
                     Education                                   0,07                   4,80
                     Healtcare                                   0,17                   2,05
                     social services                             0,31                   4,34
                     Services of library, archive, museum and
                     other cultural institutions                 0,00                   0,27
                     Rest, entertaiment, art services            0,17                   2,92
                     Other services                              1,54                   6,88
                     Total                                      1886,14               1616,22

                    Looking at the table, we can see that the demand of 1 million manats for the sector of
                    ‘Production of non-metallic products and base metals’ creates an additional demand
                    of 248 thousand manats for the ‘Mining industry’ due to production relations.

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