Page 9 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 9

Sh.G. Askerov, A.Sh.Askerov: Econophysical analysis of the relationship between monopoly
                                                                           and competition

                         Proceeding  from  the  foregoing,  we  can  conclude  that  to  achieve  progress,  a
                    nonlinear increase in the production of output over time is necessary. To do this, it is
                    sufficient to have a multitude of firms interacting with each other under the influence
                    of competition. It is noted that as the number of firms grows, the market is subject to
                    the  law  of  complex  systems.  Acquiring  technology  and  creating  conditions  for
                    competition  in  the  market,  one  can  achieve  progress  even  without  having  a  strong
                    science.  In  other  words,  free  competition  and  unbreakable  antitrust  laws  are  very
                    important  for  the  economic  growth  of  states.  Technology  is  a  factor  that  strongly
                    influences  the  progress.  There  is  a  great  need  for  science  in  order  to  develop  the
                    technology. Science is a very strong factor that influences the nonlinearly changing
                    growth of the economy. Scientists are subjects that develop the science.  Scientists are
                    generators of ideas, they stand at the center of world development. This is the main
                    reason for the so-called phenomenon, the "brain drain".
                         It is shown that with the growth of the number of competing firms, the types of
                    market  structures  change,  and  their  sequence  from  pure  monopoly  to  perfect
                    competition  can  be  represented  by  the  following  chain:  pure  monopoly-duopoly-
                    oligopoly-pure competition and again a monopoly arising from technological progress.


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                    Лоскутов  А.Ю.,  Михайлов  А.С.,  Основы  теории  сложных  систем.  2007,
                    Москва-Ижевск, с.17-543

                    Şahlar Əsgərov, Tərəqqinin fəlsəfəsi, UNEC Ekspert, N2, 2016

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