Page 109 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 109

82.  Ibrahim Niftiye: Descriptive Analysis of Employment in Azerbaijan: Possibilities of the  Dutch Disease

                    Lastly, making an accurate judgment of the spending effect of Dutch disease in the
                    case of Azerbaijan is relatively challenging because of the multiple reasons behind
                    the indicated dynamics. However, the original theory and the established body of the
                    literature  shed  light  on  specific  paths  of  the  existence  of  the  spending  effect.
                    Subsequently,  a  more  genuine  relationship  can  be  derived  from  the  correlation
                    matrix that relays on the variables that are very commonly used in Dutch disease
                    research.  From  Table  3,  a  strong  positive  relationship  can  be  observed  between
                    REER and spending of the government and expenditure of SOFAZ, which can be in
                    line with  spending effect  (.83 and .93 respectively). The other results  include the
                    positive and significant connection between oil prices and oil GDP (.67), a positive
                    and meaningful relationship between non-oil GDP and share of SOFAZ in the state
                    budget  (.87).  As  crude  oil  exports  increased,  the  share  from  SOFAZ  also  made
                    progress  having  more  shares  in  the  state  budget  (.81).  Natural  gas  exports  had  a
                    positive and vital impact on the non-oil GDP and the percentage share of SOFAZ
                    handovers in the state budget (.93). Non-oil GDP widely includes services, so the
                    revenue sourced from it also was spent inside the government expenditures.
                    Table 3:Correlation Matrix (Pearson’s R) for the selected variables, time range:2003-2018.

                                         1     2     3     4     5     6    7     8     9    10   11
                      1   REER           1
                      2   Oil Price     .83    1
                      3   Oil GDP       .63    .67    1
                      4   Non-oil GDP    .44    .27   .80    1
                      5   Crude Oil     .76     .60    .79    .57    1
                      6   Natural Gas                 *     **
                         Exports        .17    0    .65    .93    .01   1
                      7   Government    .83    .60    .65    .69    .70    .56    1
                      8   Expenditures of   .93     .79    .73    .62    .75    .48   .93    1
                      9   Revenue of    .80     .70    .78    .62    .76    .47   .78   .87    1
                     10  Transfers from   .83     .65    .82    .75    .81    .66   .90   .94   .89    1
                     11  SOFAZ
                         transfers as %   .72    .60    .84    .87    .66    .84 *  .87   .88   .77   .94    1
                         of the state                                  *
                         ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
                         * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2 tailed).

                    Source: SSCRA, CBAR, Reports of SOFAZ, IndexMundi, author’s calculations.
                    Note: Observation number is 16 for all variables except Natural Gas Exports (N=13)

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