Page 11 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 11

Rza Mammadov, Erdal Gümüş: Secondary Education, Economic Growth and Finance

                    Table 5: DOLS and FMOLS findings
                      Sample    Variable   Method     Model 1         Model 2          Model 3
                      Group                      Coef.   t-stat.   Coef.   t-stat   Coef.   t-stat
                                      1    DOLS   -0.16   -8.10***   -0.44   -3.01***   0.10   1.45
                      Panel              FMOLS   -0.16   -9.26***   -0.36   -3.05***   0.13   2.38**
                                      2    DOLS   0.04   0.61     0.57   3.73***   0.09   4.31***
                                         FMOLS   0.12   1.75*     0.71   5.77***   0.10   6.28***
                                      1    DOLS   -0.23   -7.82***   -0.47   -2.51**   0.12   1.44
                      Above              FMOLS   -0.25   -9.11***   -0.46   -3.02***   0.18   2.81***
                      Average         2    DOLS   0.03   0.28     0.65   2.73***   0.11   3.63***
                      Perf.              FMOLS   0.15   1.36      0.95   5.55***   0.13   5.36***
                                      1    DOLS   -0.07   -2.99***   -0.41   -1.77*   0.07   0.67
                      Below              FMOLS   -0.06   -3.06***   -0.27   -1.35   0.08   0.85
                      Average         2    DOLS   0.05   0.77     0.48   2.63***   0.06   2.37**
                      Perf.              FMOLS   0.09   1.12      0.44   2.47**   0.08    3.40***
                                      1    DOLS   -0.20   -6.95***   -0.30   -1.33   -0.10   -1.17
                      1998-2007          FMOLS   -0.21   -10.68***   -0.30   -1.44   -0.09   -1.73*
                                      2    DOLS   0.05   0.37     0.63   2.41**   0.02    0.58
                                         FMOLS   0.11   0.94      0.61   1.73*    0.02    1.08
                                      1    DOLS   -0.05   -1.01   -0.17   -0.39   0.04    0.35
                      2010-2015          FMOLS   -0.05   -1.07    -0.10   -0.24   -0.06   -0.43
                                      2    DOLS   -0.00   -0.02   1.17   2.40**   0.12    5.02***
                                         FMOLS   -0.02   -0.10    1.32   2.49**   0.13    5.64***

                    *, **, and *** are respectively 10%, 5% and 1% significance levels. Bartlett Kernel method was used
                    and Bandwidth width was determined by Newey-West method

                    The relational direction and value of the variables are presented as a panel to cover 30
                    countries.  In addition, the countries  were distinguished as upper and lower from the
                    OECD average on the PISA exam and analysed. On the other hand, the years 1998-
                    2007 and 2010-2015 distinctions were made to show the direction of the relationship
                    between variables pre  and post the  2008  crisis.  According to the  results in Table 4,
                    financing across the panel affects the education negatively, at a level of 0.16% when
                    viewed with both the DOLS and FMOLS method. The impact of growth in education is
                    not statistically significant in the DOLS model. According to the FMOLS method, 10%
                    significance level, growth leads to a positive change of 0.12 on education. Considering
                    the model, in which financing is considered as a dependent variable, as the number of
                    students  enrolled  in  secondary  education  increases,  the  expenditure  per  student
                    decreases by the public. This decrease is seen as -0,44 in DOLS method and -0,36 in
                    FMOLS method at 1% significance level. The increase in GDP per capita, which is an
                    indicator of growth, positively affects public education expenditures per student, which
                    is  an  indicator  of  finance.  In  other  words,  1%  significance  level,  growth  affects  the
                    finance 0.57 positively in the DOLLS method and 0.71 in the FMOLS method. When
                    the model is analysed in three, secondary education affects growth positively. Although
                    this effect is not statistically significant in DOLS method, it increases 0.13 values with
                    5%  significance  level  compared  to  FMOLS  method.  On  the  other  hand,  has  a  1%
                    significance level, financing has a positive effect growth on both models.

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