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Rza Mammadov, Erdal Gümüş: Secondary Education, Economic Growth and Finance

                    this study, tests [For detailed information on conitegration tests, see: Baltagi, B. H.
                    (2013). Econometric analysis of panel data. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.] of
                    Pedroni  (2004),  Kao  (1999)  and  Johansen  Fisher  (1988)  were  performed  to
                    determine cointegration and increase reliability.

                    After determining that the variables are stationary and cointegration, the coefficient
                    of  the  relationship  between  these  variables  can  be  estimated.  DOLS  (2001)  and
                    FMOLS  (2000)  coefficient  estimators  [For  coefficient  estimation  methods,  see:
                    Baltagi, B. H. (2013). Econometric analysis of panel data. Chichester: John Wiley
                    and Sons] developed by Pedroni were used to determine the relational coefficient in
                    the  study.  DOLS  reveals  dynamic  effects,  FMOLS  reveals  modified  effects.
                    Therefore, both methods are preferred.

                    4. FINDINGS
                    In this study, which aims to investigate education and economic growth on a 'triple
                    variable  basis';  The  variables  of  'education',  'finance'  and  'growth'  were  made
                    stationary at first. Unit root tests were applied to ensure stationarity. The findings are
                    included in Table 3.

                    Table 3: Unit root test
                     Test   Case         lnSEC                  lnSFIN               lnPGDP
                                  Ind. interc.   Ind. interc.   Ind.   Ind. interc.   Ind.   Ind. interc.
                                             and trend   interc.   and trend   interc.   and trend
                     PP     I(0)   52.65     40.57      78.47*    62.36        138.25***   74.40*
                            I(I)   368.67***   351.30***   168.38***   172.26***   200.24***   183.44***
                     ADF    I(0)   49.52     36.23      61.68     37.89        87.42**   50.27
                            I(I)   199.80***   229.87***   96.81***   112.21***   173.21***   130.65***
                     LLC    I(0)   -2.22**   -1.70**    -3.88***   0.02        -6.41***   -3.39***
                            I(I)   -11.54***   -15.35***   -3.25***   -6.33***   -11.48***   -11.43***
                     IPS    I(0)   1.62      3.16       0.54      3.10         -1.13     0.72
                            I(I)   -7.84***   -11.10***   -3.21***   -3.82***   -7.92***   -4.80***

                    *, **, and *** are respectively 10%, 5% and 1% significance levels. The lag length was determined
                    by the Modified Schwarz Information criterion. Bartlett Kernel method was used in LLC and PP tests
                    and Bandwidth width was determined by Newey-West method.

                    According to Table 3 with unit root test results, there is no stationarity in the level
                    values [I (0)] for lnPGDP, lnSEC and lnSFIN. Stationarity was achieved by taking
                    the first difference [I(I)] of the variables. In order to reveal the relational state of the
                    variables with the values obtained by the first-degree difference, models 1, 2, and 3
                    were established and cointegration test was performed. The findings are included in
                    Table 4.

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