Page 116 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 116

Ilkin Seyidzade, Rudnak Ildiko: General Implementation Processes of Artificial
                                                                                  Intelligence and Its Economic Effects in Hungary

                    AI implementation steps
                    For  companies  to  keep  up  with  their  competitors  and  gain  a  market  advantage,
                    innovative technology must be integrated into the existing system. This can be a part
                    of  a  given  activity  task  or  sub-process,  or  it  can  be  the  automation  of  an  entire
                    company  and  its  activities.  However,  the  implementation  steps  are  worth  going
                    through, whether it is only a small project or a larger project (Kessler and Gwozdz,
                    2018). According to Gassman et al (2017), developing an AI-based business model
                    is a series and set of interdependent activities aimed at creating enterprise value by
                    defining specific goals and improving performance.

                    Firstly, it is worth getting to know what AI and what type of AI is requested by the
                    company that wants to integrate the technology into the processes. What technology
                    is needed, what resources, and what the purpose of implementing AI is? Almost all
                    the  information  and  online  resources  available  today  are  at  our  disposal.  It  is
                    necessary to recognize and identify the problems that the enterprise is facing and to
                    identify  the  AI  solutions  that  can  be  associated  with  the  company's  activities.
                    Financial and business values must be distinguished and these particular values must
                    be prioritized. In some cases, matrixes of potential and feasibility need to be ranked,
                    and the goals and priorities recognized by the management of the company should
                    be emphasized. Of course, there is a difference between what a company wants to
                    achieve with AI implementation and what it can achieve based on its capabilities and
                    resources.  Identifying  and  organizing  AI  processes  is  the  next  step  to  eliminate
                    capability gaps and needs to be further developed internally. In case the company is
                    not familiar with the artificial technology used, it is worth considering to involve an
                    external  expert  (Marvin  and  Horowitz,  2018).  Before  the  implementation  process
                    begins, the definition of some milestones and metrics are needed. At this point, it has
                    to be determined at what points the company wants to improve and what measures
                    to  improve.  Defining  indicators  and  forecasts  will  make  the  back-testing  process
                    much easier later (Kessler and Gwozdz, 2018).

                    Many  people  may  think  that  there  is  a  standard  business  model  for  AI
                    implementation  that  is  always  applicable.  In  reality,  however,  much  depends  on
                    what activities and when the company wants AI-based technology. Depending on
                    the nature of the AI solution, it is based on huge amounts of data and algorithms.
                    Besides, the implementation of the AI business model can be divided into two parts:
                      Infrastructure: providing IT services to others.
                      Application:  companies  develop  application  services  for  clients  based  on
                    individual needs (Gonfalonieri, 2019).
                     3 AI solutions can be used, as shown in Table 1.

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