Page 46 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 46

15.  Fuad Selamzade: Measurement of the Efficiency of Azerbaijan Region Hotel
                          16.                                 Organization:  Window Analysis and Malmquist Index

                    The  Sheki-Zakatala  region,  which  made  a  breakthrough  in  the  tourism  sector  in
                    recent years, became the region with a tppch score above one in 2006-07, 2007-08,
                    2009-10, 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2017-18. The MI score of the Sheki-Zagatala region
                    in 2015and 2016 was 2,218, which means that efficiency in the region increased by
                    121,8% in a year.

                    Table 7: Malmquist Index TFP Summary of Regions

                                                      2007-     2008-    2009-    2010-    2011-
                           Regons         2006-2007
                                                      2008      2009     2010     2011      2012
                     Baku                   0,881     1,166     0,979    0,910    1,113    1,015
                     Absheron               1,327     0,979     0,771    1,034    1,667    1,066
                     Ganja-Gazakh           1,064     0,909     0,931    1,135    1,081    0,727
                     Sheki-Zagatala         1,053     1,046     0,863    1,248    0,820    0,689
                     Lankaran               0,798     0,929     1,269    0,552    1,136    1,017
                     Kuba-Khachmaz          1,081     0,832     1,161    0,979    1,400    0,995
                     Aran                   0,919     0,898     0,820    0,663    0,657    0,606
                     Mountain Shirvan       0,903     1,010     1,405    0,535    0,885    1,037
                     Nakhchivan A. R.       0,902     1,037     1,192    1,260    1,169    1,059
                                                      2013-     2014-    2015-    2016-    2017-
                           Regions        2012-2013
                                                      2014      2015     2016     2017      2018
                     Baku                   0,999     0,964     0,969    1,120    1,210    1,125
                     Absheron               0,547     1,031     1,157    1,042    1,018    1,142
                     Ganja-Gazakh           0,890     1,186     1,302    0,923    1,266    0,897
                     Sheki-Zagatala         0,831     0,870     1,007    2,218    0,842    1,259
                     Lankaran               1,126     1,076     0,648    1,418    0,960    0,830
                     Kuba-Khachmaz          0,663     0,793     1,005    0,862    1,079    0,922
                     Aran                   1,244     0,555     1,829    1,060    1,475    0,788
                     Mountain Shirvan       1,094     0,956     0,790    0,720    1,465    1,011
                     Nakhchivan A. R.       1,044     0,982     0,991    1,015    1,008    1,100

                    The tppch score of the Nakhchivan A.R. region was above one in other years except
                    2006-07  (90,2%),  2013-14  (98,2%)  and  2014-15  (99,1%).  The  highest  efficiency
                    score of the Nakhchivan A. R. region increased by 26% in 2010-11.
                    The importance of the tourism sector in the globalizing world is increasing every
                    passing day. It is travelled to countries for economic, cultural, historical, religious,
                    sporting, health and other purposes. Although the Republic of Azerbaijan, which has
                    seven  of  the  nine  climates  in  the  world,  is  already  fighting  against  Armenia,  it
                    attracts  the  attention  of  tourists  with  its  natural  beauty,  cultural-historical
                    infrastructure  and  international  organizations.  It  is  crucial  for  the  purpose  of

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