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P. 73


                    There  are  types  of  audits  in  the  public  sector,  namely  financial  audits  (including
                    compliance)  and  performance  audits  (Dwiputrianti,  2011).  Compliance  auditing
                    refers to  the traditional forms  of an audit that next  to  financial auditing has  been
                    known  since  Ancient  Egypt  and  China.  The  conception  of  state  auditors
                    independence and self-dependence was firmly established, the consolidation of legal
                    provisions  in  public  finances  auditing  was  founded,  and  the  basic  institutional
                    patterns of the public auditing were grounded, namely auditing chambers headed by
                    the  Auditor  General  (Yuliia  &  A,  2018).  Performance  auditing  is  defined  as  an
                    impartial assessment of the economy and efficiency of auditee activities, as well as
                    the efficacy of public-sector programs.

                    Public  Sector  Audit  is  conducted  to  protect  public-owned  resources  by  ensuring
                    adequate accountability; upholding standards of conduct in the public service, and
                    helping  public  services  get  value  for  money.  The  International  Organization  of
                    Supreme  Audit  Institutions  (INTOSAI)  defines  public  sector  auditing  as  an
                    examination of the operations, activities, and systems of a given entity to verify that
                    they are being carried out or functioning in accordance with specific goals, budgets,
                    rules and requirements (Oyebisi, 2017).Because the public sector's ability to deliver
                    services successfully and carry out programs in an equitable and appropriate manner
                    is measured primarily by its ability to deliver services, public sector audit activities
                    should  have  the  authority  and  competency  to  evaluate  financial  and  program
                    compliance, effectiveness, economy, and efficiency. Auditors must also safeguard
                    the public sector's basic principle, as it serves all citizens.

                    2.2Theoretical Framework
                    2.2.1Agency Theory
                    Agency  theory  has  evolved  along  two  paths  since  its  origins  in  information
                    economics: positivist and principal-agent. The contract between the principal and the
                    agent is a common unit of analysis in both streams. They also have similar beliefs
                    about people, organizations, and data. Their mathematical rigor, dependent variable,
                    and style, on the other hand, differ (Eisenhard, 1989).Some scholars argue that the
                    audit helped promote public sector accountability and emphasize that public sector
                    audit is a key element in examining and evaluating government accountability for
                    the use of public funds and the delivery of public services. Public sector audits can
                    be an essential element in ensuring the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability
                    of government to the public (Dwiputriant, 2011).

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