Page 74 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 74

Samuel Atsibha Gebreyesus: The Effect of Audit Legal Frameworks on Public
                                                                           Expenditure Management …

                    2.2.2 The Lending Credibility Theory
                    According to this theory, the major objective of the audit is to provide credibility to
                    the  financial  statements.  From  this  perspective,  the  service  that  the  auditors  are
                    providing to their clients is reliability. Users of financial statements notice aspects in
                    audited financial statements that give them more confidence in the data supplied by
                    management  (in  the  financial  statement).  Users  are  seen  to  gain  from  improved
                    credibility, which is often thought to imply that the quality of investment decisions
                    improves when they are based on accurate information (Ittonen, 2010).

                    3.  EMPIRICAL LITERATURE REVIEW
                    A numbers of topics emerge from the literature review and history review. One of
                    these is the fact that there are several complementary arguments for why auditing is
                    beneficial.  The  importance  of  agency  relationships  in  understanding  the  value  of
                    auditing is especially essential in the public sector, where these interactions are more
                    intricate.  Auditing  has  always  been  necessary  for  management  control  (Cordery,
                    2017).  According  to  (Mebratu,  2015),  a  research  Conducted  on  internal  audit
                    function  and  its  challenges  in  public  sector  governance:  Empirical  evidence  from
                    Amhara  National  Regional  State,  Ethiopia  using  the  Ordinary  Least  Squares
                    multiple regression approach. The study found a link between the role of audit risk
                    management and professional audit standards, formal mandates, unrestricted access,
                    competent  leadership,  and  management  assistance  and  professional  audit  to  be
                    found.  Even  the  world's  most  advanced  countries  will  not  be  able  to  completely
                    implement all of them. Research by (Yismaw, 2007) evaluated the effectiveness of
                    internal  audits  in Ethiopia's  public  sector. According  to  the  standards  are  among
                    them.  In  several  Sub-Saharan  African  countries,  a  few  of  these  components  can
                    study;  internal  audit effectiveness  was determined by organizational  setting, audit
                    quality, management support, and auditee characteristics. Internal audit quality and
                    management support were shown to be the most important criteria for the internal
                    audit  function's  performance,  although  organizational  context  and  auditee
                    characteristics were not. Despite the fact that internal audit plays a critical role in the
                    performance of any business, institutional management does not respond adequately
                    to the findings and suggestions of internal audit.

                    The study used primary data from the office of the auditor general of Ethiopia; using
                    a  simple  random  selection  method,  respondents  were  selected  from  the  auditing
                    staffs. The Yamane (1967) formula was used to determine the sample size.
                    To  provide  an  overview  of  the  relationship  between  public  sector  auditing  and
                    public expenditure management in public sector entities, a descriptive analysis was
                    used based on the results of a structural equation model.

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