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                    5.  RESULT AND DISCUSSION
                    The researcher wants to know if a suggested mediator, M, can actually explain the
                    impact of X on Y. Estimating the indirect effect through the mediator M is used to
                    answer this question (Hayes 2013). The study assessed the mediating role of Audit
                    quality on the relationships between Audit legal framework and Public expenditure
                    management.  The  result  revealed  a  significant  indirect  effect  of  audit  legal
                    framework on public expenditure management (0.0448, t=13.5709), Supporting H1.
                    Furthermore,  the  direct  effect  of  audit  legal  framework  on  public  expenditure
                    management in the presence of the mediator was also found significant (b=.3100,
                    p<0.001).  Hence,  Audit  quality  partially  mediated  the  relationship  between  audit
                    legal  framework  and  public  expenditure  management.  It  is  a  complementary
                    mediation rather than a competitive mediation since both direct and indirect effects
                    have the same positive coefficients.

                    Table 8: Mediation analysis
                      Relationship    Total   Direct   Indirect   Confidence      t-         Concl
                                       Effect    Effect   Effect   Interval       Statistics   usion
                      Audit legal                                Lower   Upper
                      framework-                                 Bound  Bound
                      >Audit quality-  .3548       .3100        .0448             13.5709        Partial
                      >Public                                    .0212   .0738               Mediat
                      expenditure                                                            ion

                    6.  ONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
                    6.1 Conclusion
                    The study discovered that the higher the audit quality of the auditor general, the better
                    the  public  expenditure  management  in  public-sector  entities.  Even  if  there  are
                    different factors that affect the efficiency and effectiveness of government expenditure
                    management, the legal framework of audit institutions has a significant influence on
                    the  parties  who  are  involved  in  the  public  expenditure  management  aspects  of
                    government  activities  by  creating  a  deterrent  effect  to  work  in  line  with  legal
                    frameworks. Furthermore, if the audit legal frameworks are clear and unambiguous, it
                    reduces conflict between the auditee and the auditor of the audit institution.

                    6.2 Recommendation
                        ❖  The  government  should  allocate  adequate  resources  to  improve  audit
                           institutions  in  order  to  fulfill  its  responsibility  to  ensure  that  public-sector
                           organizations  fulfill  their  intended  purpose  without  resource  waste,
                           misappropriation, or corruption.

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