Page 8 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 8
3. Antinomism: Causality according to the laws of nature is not only
causality standing on the root of all occurrences in the world (Third
antinomy of “pure intellect” of by I.Kant [Kant I. 1998: 380; 445]). The
saying “any causality is possible only within the laws of nature” (in its general
form) is internally conflicting. Therefore we can not agree that causality
according to the laws of nature is only causality etc. According to Kant, freedom
and natural necessity may exist independently not depending on each other and
without damage to each other. To express shortly, I.Kant showed that thesis and
antithesis of freedom – necessity antinomy is provable at the same degree. But
the concept of absolute determinism [Laplas P.S. 1908] specifies that it is not
provable at the same degree.
4. Existentialism: Existence is before essence [M.Khaydegger. 1997].
So, a man is free and creates his / her creature. There is no “essence”
determining his/her will and freedom (existence). J.Sartr [Sartr J.P. 2000]
called a man “creature for himself/herself”, and facts and things “creature in
themselves”. “People should and will be free”
In other word, “creature for itself” (man) is free, but “creature in
itself” (thing, fact) is a seriously determined creature.
L.Vitgenstein wrote that “….freedom of will is that it is impossible to
cognize the actions to be done at the end” [Vithenstein L. 1994 ].
Freedom of will from mere economic point has a great importance
from two aspects at least:
1) from the point of content disclosing of economic process
(historical context);
2) from the point of selection of alternate development way;
Logic connection between the development trajectory of the economy
and freedom of will or its level appears more distinct in comparison with
other spheres of public life. Freedom of will does not only play an important