Page 10 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 10

Adalat  J. Muradov, Nazim  O. Hajiyev: Competitive environment is the main factor for integration
                                                                                           into the world economy

               were cancelled in 1810 in Prussia. It’s true that, they were restored by legislation in 1849, but

               this wasn’t much important for economy [Rauscher V. 1999. p.51].

                       With this rule, it was a long and controversial way of transition from artificial monopoly

               to free competition relationship. There was a combination of competition zones in the unified

               system of market competition which began play a regulatory role while transition accelerated

               from artificial monopoly to free competition relationship. This process ended in the period of

               industrial revolution in England.

                       Also it should be noted that, about the supremacy of free competition could be talked

               only in England, France, Holland and some other countries in XIX century (taking into account

               last thirty years of the XIX century transition of development of free competition to monopoly

               stage). In various countries of Western Europe in the first half of XIX century a lot of restrictions

               were  kept  which  left  from  feudalism  period  of  competition.  It  is  enough  to  remember  the

               restoration  efforts  of  archaic  craftsmen  workshop  in  Prussia.  Even  it  is  schematic  enough  to

               connect  free  competition  period  with  XIX  century.  Competition  is  only  empowering  in  the

               second half of XIX century in Russia (Subordination of economy and particularly competition

               processes  to  regalement  and  keeping  active  intervention  by  government).  With  this  rule  free

               competition existed in the short period of  time in a limited number of countries.

                       What  is  the  reason  to  look  competition  leading  in  these  countries  as  free  one  in  XIX

               centuries?  Firstly  attention  is  attracted  by  the  main  burdens  as  productive  forces  and

               undeveloped  economic  relations  that  caused  a  lot  of  problems  to  competition.    Here,  price

               competition coming up with efforts to  defend and expand their market share by decreasing the

               expenses  and  relatively  lowing  prices  plays    an  important  role.  Price  competition  itself

               determined flexibility of market prices,   rapid response of prices to demand and supply changes.

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