Page 8 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 8

Adalat  J. Muradov, Nazim  O. Hajiyev: Competitive environment is the main factor for integration
                                                                                            into the world economy

                       Description of middle age welfare represents some characteristics of daily economic life

               of  Soviet  society.  Such  level  of  similarity  creates  possible  historical  repetition  thought  on

               development  of  monopoly  structures  forming  in  economical  environments  (economical

               environments  in  the  middle  age  cities  and  soviet  society)  which  qualitatively  different and

                distant from  each  other.  A  question  is  rising  in  this  situation:  Are  there  any  similarity  in

               development of competition relations between different historical periods which separated from

               each other hundred years, too? In order to answer this question let’s follow the destruction of

               manufacture monopoly and its transforming to free competition.

                       The  monopoly  power  of  manufactures  over  the  local  markets  is  based  on  the

               unchangeable nature and static character of these markets. Only manufacture production could

               cope with the payment of public needs problem under such conditions. Manufacture production

               started to lose monopoly position since XVII century in which markets eventually began to grow

               and structure of needs changed. Such extremely accelerated historical process with the help of

               industrial revolution that allowed free competition to go on work.

                       This  process  allowed  strengthening  of  competition,  creation  of  national  states  and

               the establishment of  single national markets  in  Western  Europe.  Manufacture  production

               organized  as  conservative  and  monopoly  hadn’t  enough  power  to  meet  the  growing  needs  of

               national  states  and  national  markets.  The  states  distributed  the  production  of  new  sectors:

               silk and cotton cloth, textile products, carpets, porcelain and etc. surely, these productions are not

               in  the  area  of  influence  of  manufactures.  Relatively  big  manufactures  were  established  in

               England, France and in  some other countries with the assistance of state power. Manufacture

               production was serious rival for workshop art.

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