Page 6 - Azerbaijan State University of Economics
P. 6

Adalat  J. Muradov, Nazim O. Hajiyev: Competitive environment is the main factor for integration
                                                                                          into the world economy

               H.D.Kondratyev. It’s determined that transfers from face to face in long periods are connected with

               sharp breakthrough in development of productive forces as the result of technological revolution.

                       At  the  same  time  very  small  attention  was  paid  to  periodical  characteristic  of

               development  of  economic  relations.  In  the  soviet  economic  literature  such  development  of

               relations was considered as continuous increasing process from lower step to higher steps. It’s

               true that the dialectic rule of ―denial of negative‖ presupposed historical repetition of spiral-form

               development  of  famous  ―thesis-antithesis-synthesis‖  on  Hegel  triad.  However  such  relative

               repetition was considered in implementation of public formations covering all periods.

                       Western scientists seldom analyzed historical evolution of economic relations too. Thus

               in fact, the leading  economic thought  neoclassic direction ignores the historical principle. The

               problems  of  historical  dynamics  of  public  relations  were  prepared  by  outstanding  neo-

               economists like A.Toynbi and O.Shpengler.

                       One of the major accomplishments of economic thought in XX century  was theory of

               monopolistic  competition.  The  founder  of  this  theory  Edward  Chamberlin  noticed  that,  ―The

               forces of competition and monopoly is knitted in the same fabric and they are different only with

               pattern [E.H Chamberlin, 1996, p.33]. Like Johan Robinson who prepared imperfect competition

               concept, Edward Chamberlin also had vision of mutual influence of monopoly and competition

               out of scope of the history.

                       Whereas  correlation  between  monopoly  and  competition  differ  in  various  historical

               conditions. Possibility of discovering  periodic compliances in historical modification process of

               monopoly and competition relations is the significant condition of  analysis. These compliances

               have never been investigated in economic literatures yet.

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